The goal of this project is to provide the music community with an online database of tonal music theory examples from canonical classical repertoire.*

Table of Contents

  1. Scales
  2. Parallel voice leading
  3. I, V, and $ \rm{V^7} $
  4. $ \rm{ I^6, V^6, } $ and $ \rm{vii^{o6}} $
  5. Inversions of $ \rm{V^7} $
  6. IV, ii, and $ \rm{ii^6} $
  7. Cadential $ ^6_4 $
  8. vi and $ \rm{IV^6} $
  9. $ \rm{ ii^7, IV^7, } $ and their inversions
  10. Moving Toward V
  11. III and VII
  12. Sequences
  13. $ ^6_3 $ Chord Techniques
  14. $ ^6_4 $ Chord Techniques
  15. Neighbor Notes, Neighbor Chords
  16. Passing Notes, Passing Chords
  17. Suspensions, Anticipations, Pedals
  18. Voice Exchanges and the Omnibus Progression
  19. Mixture
  20. $ \rm{vii^{o7}} $ and $ \rm{vii^{ΓΈ7}} $
  21. Applied Chords
  22. Modulation
  23. Chord extensions: ninths and thirteenths
  24. Neapolitan Chords ($ \rm{\flat II} $)
  25. Augmented Sixth Chords
  26. Chromatic Techniques

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